Fully Awake



   Nourish.   Move.   Play.   Believe.   Rest.

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Wholeness in Health

Experiential connecting of mind, body and spirit. Prepare and learn about nutrient dense foods. Move your body for lifelong health. Laugh, play and enjoy the present. Explore the inside landscape of who you are and breathe in spiritual & eternal Truths.

Wholeness in Health

Women's Weekend

Experiential connecting of mind, body and spirit. Prepare and learn about nutrient dense foods. Move your body for lifelong health. Laugh, play and enjoy the present. Explore the inside landscape of who you are and breathe in spiritual & eternal Truths.

Jubilee Adventures
dates vary

What makes you feel alive? The places, the things, the activities that bring you life are unique. Jubilee Adventures are a handful of intentional trips, activities and/or experiences that you choose to celebrate who God made you. I will assist and encourage you as you uncover what brings you life.



To be our best self, we need fuel that nourishes us. This is true in all aspects of our lives. When it comes to eating & drinking, it involves more than what is on our fork and in our glass. Breathe & be thankful before you eat. Food takes time to grow and then be harvested. It has been prepared and served. Honor the process. Food is multifaceted. It's social, it involves shopping, preparation, likes, dislikes, allergies, cost, sensitivities and "what is healthy anyway?" I believe nutrient dense, whole food is foundational to health. So much food to enjoy. So little time on earth!



It feels good to move. Optimizing health is to be our best 'strong', to be flexible and to breathe freely. From circulation improving to spirits lifting, movement is woven into feeling and being our best.



I love to laugh. Enjoying this life we have been given is honoring to the Creator. Carving out space to refresh and be present in the moment, breathes life into our being. Allowing ourselves to experience joy in the journey shifts how we engage the journey.    



It takes faith to believe in something we can not see or understand. Choosing to believe in Eternal Truths transforms us from the inside out. Life is filtered through lenses that directly affect how we interact with others and how we experience life. There are so many 'lenses' we get to choose from, "but the greatest of these is love." 1 Corinthians 13:13 




You are uniquely designed for a purpose. You are a miracle. There is something only you can release in this world. Live freely. Live deeply. Become fully awake as you engage the many facets of who you are.
